Monday, May 11, 2009


You know when you're taking a shower or sitting on the toilet and the most brilliant idea pops into your head. That happens to me. A lot! I get ideas for inventions.

This is how things get made. Some guys is in the shower when BOOM it hits him over the head like a louisville slugger hits a rawlings, and its that same feeling you get as bat contacts ball and it goes sailing; you know you just knocked it over the fence. Its your million dollar idea!

Most people go their whole life without one million dollar idea. In the past couple of weeks, I had two!

I use flushable wet wipes. I know, I know what happens in the bathroom stays in the bathroom, but its pertenant to the story. For me, toilet paper just never did the trick. It started when I was in college with regular baby wipes. Now, I guess I missed that million dollar train, because several years later, I started seeing these new flushable wipes everywhere. In a strange way it legitimized for me my use of baby wipes as an adult.

IDEA #1: Fast forward about 12 years to a couple of weeks ago. My million dollar idea! How could that fresh, clean feeling be ehanced even more? Could there be a way to come even closer to replicating that bide experience that we all know and love? YES! I could warm the wipes!! I could invent a dispenser to keep my flushable wet wipes WARM! It will be the height of luxury!

IDEA #2: Wire hangers. I'm at the cleaners picking up my dry cleaning when it hits me. I wonder how many wire hangers get thrown away each year?! I looked it up. 3.5 Billion! BILLION!! Every year! That can't be good for the environment. What if there was a way to make a hanger out of PAPER! Then not only would they be biodegradable, but recyclable too!

Not only was i going to make millions of dollars, but I was going to win a nobel prize for saving our planet - just like Al Gore!

Okay, I've got these ideas. What next? Hmmmmm, I've been home on a weekday. I've watched "The Price is Right". I know exactly what to do! Call the inventors help network. Duh.

First things first. I have to do some research. Ahhhh research, the crusher of all dreams! The results of my research are as follows:

Flushable wet wipe warmer:
Guess what? There's like 50 different kinds.

Guess what else:
You can get them at Target!

Okay, I'm not gonna make a million bucks, but Nobel Prize here i come!

WRONG: AND there's like 50 different kinds of these too:

So its back to the drawing board, or shower, or for me the toilet. Guess what I just bought!

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